Someone who becomes mute suddenly and unexpectedly, should pass a
kosher butcher's knife over his mouth.
A segulah
for a woman having difficulty giving birth is to hang the key to the
cemetery upon her neck.
It is a segulah
for one suffering illness in the neck, to weep over the destruction
of the Temple.
Upon entering a new house in which to live, it is a segulah
to bring in a sword, knife or other weapon. An indication for this (from
Scripture): "Through wisdom a house is built" -- the
letters of "wisdom" (ChuChMah) stand for "Weapons of
Violence they practice where they Reside (Bereshit
49:5)". Their swords, their residence (the Hebrew word in the
verse which was translated as “their residence” can be
alternately translated: "their swords" (in which case the
“weapons of violence” would be translated as, stolen weapons, see
Rashi there)). [t.n. Thus a connection between weapons and the
maintaining of residence can be established].
Apples are a segulah
for one who has difficulties in childbirth.