Sunday, January 27, 2013

סגולה SEGULAH (An action with conducive influence): 7-11


7. Someone who becomes mute suddenly and unexpectedly, should pass a kosher butcher's knife over his mouth.

8. A segulah for a woman having difficulty giving birth is to hang the key to the cemetery upon her neck.

9. It is a segulah for one suffering illness in the neck, to weep over the destruction of the Temple.

10. Upon entering a new house in which to live, it is a segulah to bring in a sword, knife or other weapon. An indication for this (from Scripture): "Through wisdom a house is built" -- the letters of "wisdom" (ChuChMah) stand for "Weapons of Violence they practice where they Reside (Bereshit 49:5)". Their swords, their residence (the Hebrew word in the verse which was translated as “their residence” can be alternately translated: "their swords" (in which case the “weapons of violence” would be translated as, stolen weapons, see Rashi there)). [t.n. Thus a connection between weapons and the maintaining of residence can be established].

11. Apples are a segulah for one who has difficulties in childbirth.

סגולה SEGULAH (An action with conducive influence): 1-6


1. Feathers from wild birds are a segulah for healing sicknesses of the lungs, and are conducive to strengthening the breath of life.

2. The heavens have changes in their appearance according to the appearance of the grasses that grow by them, and it is effective to gaze on them.

3. Rainwater is a segulah for an impotent male.

4. Recital of Tehillim (Psalms) is a segulah for rainfall. [The letters of the word] Tehillim [are the acronym for the Biblical phrase] - "According to the Rains of the Heavens, You will drink Water."

5. A segulah for renewing a woman's monthly cycle is to host guests.

6. Having hair that is unnaturally long is liable to causing much evil damage from the Other Side. A segulah against this is reciting the section (of the Torah reading) that is read on Yom Kippur.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013



Through deep contemplation on the secrets of the Torah, one can bring conception to barren women and heal a serious illness.