A teacher who teaches his students in this manner -- that is, he only
teaches to each student what he specifically needs to hear, not more
and not less. Through this he merits that the most pleasant and
praiseworthy aspects of the Torah are revealed to him.
When a student hears words of Torah from a rabbi, and annuls his will
to the will of the rabbi, according to this you can be sure that he
listened. For when he does not annul his will, even though he hears,
he really does not hear. Also, when his feelings (-senses) are
annulled at the time of hearing, this is a sign that he has truly
At the time when a student comes to hear Torah from a rabbi, the
student's evil -- that is, the impure husks (klipos) created
by the evil in him, also come to hear and draw from it. However, when
each student hears only what is relevant to his soul, as was
described above, the evil spirits (klipos) flee, and are not
able to hear. Yet there is a subtle evil (klipa) which is
close to holiness, that will only flee when there is within the Torah
teaching a message of salvation of Israel, then it also flees. A hint
for this from Scripture: "And Moshe sent his father-in-law"
-- if one learns this passage according to the opinion that Yitro
(the father-in-law of Moses) came and went his way before the giving
of the Torah.
One who utters words of Torah is saved from the sentence of stoning.
A man cannot merit to Torah and good deeds in all places. Due to
this, G-d brings about circumstances that cause the man to go from
one place to another place.
When a man learns until he is exhausted, he sweetens judgments and
arouses mercy. Also through this he arouses mercy for his father in
the grave.
Through Torah, one comes to Faith, and through Faith, one comes to
sanctify the Name of G-d.
Those with pure eyesight can recognize in a man, who is the rabbi who
taught him Torah. This is specifically when the one looking is
familiar with the face of the rabbi. For through the religious law
that a man learns from his rabbi, his face becomes similar to the
appearance of the face of the rabbi, for the law is his wisdom that
enlightens the face of a man (as in the verse, "The wisdom of
man enlightens his face.") When one receives the law, one
receives an aspect of the appearance of the teacher's face. And
according to the amount of laws he learns, the more aspects of the
appearance of his face are acquired.
Through sanctifying the name of G-d, may He be blessed, the authority
of the leaders of the generation is in full force and strength.
Through this, everyone values the commandment of hospitality to
guests, and through this, the Torah students merit that the law is
set according to their opinion.
One who is strict with others and lenient with himself, and says
about what he did not hear, that he heard, due to this, he does not
merit to see the beauty of the King. For the evil force (klipa)
of Edom, which is negative fear, darkens the light of his
eyes, so that he cannot see the beauty of the Face of the King.