Tuesday, November 13, 2012

נגינה MUSIC:


1. When tzaddikim are publicized in the world, through this new melodies are brought into the world.

2. The Leviim had a special melody designated for each day, but now, in the Exile, the melodies have been forgotten. When some tragedy comes upon some nation, the melody of the Leviim corresponding to that crisis is aroused (lit. sparks or glistens).

3. Through the melodies that contain a tone of crying, it is possible to release the captives, the aspect of "He brings out prisoners bakosharot (in a kosher – propitious – time).” [t.n. The word bakosharot is split into two words (by the Medrash): beki – meaning crying, shirot – meaning song = song with a crying tone].

4. Through song, a person can be discerned if he accepted upon himself the yoke of Torah.

5. That which a person when he drinks begins to sing and make melody (/music), which is not so when he eats -- this is because they (the Jews in the desert) expressed shira (song of praise and gratitude to G-d) over the Well, and not over the Manna.

ממון MONEY: book two 28-29

28. One whose merchandise and estates are scattered, and not in one place -- sometimes he is saved through this from having to tear his garments for his deceased.

29. The largest businessman in a city is the light (lit. candle) of the city.

ממון MONEY: book two 22-27

22. Traveling (lit. thoroughfares) brings a person to lushon hura (evil speech), idol worship, promiscuity, and spilling blood (i.e. murder), and these sins detract one's livelihood.

23. Through the money one gives to the poor of the Land of Israel, through this one's money is preserved in his keeping.

24. Fires (lit. burning) come to the world on account of money used for idol worship, to destroy it.

25. When a new king or a new minister arises, livelihood is renewed and undergoes change.

26. One who has dealings and business with non-Jews at the time of their festivals, or even not at the time of their festivals – but his revenue is from supplying things for their idolatry, through this his wife has bleeding shortly after her ritual immersion.

27. One who makes a separation between a man and his wife -- that is, he goes to the man and praises his wife to him, but goes to the wife and defames the husband in her eyes, until a separation is created between them -- he becomes troubled (-preoccupied, overtaken) by his expenses (for food or sustenance).

ממון MONEY: book two 16-21

16. One who lends on interest cannot find anyone to judge him favorably.

17. One who guards himself from transgressing the command not to envy, through this he is saved from anger, arrogance, and lack of faith that comes in the wake of anger and arrogance.

18. Through faithful business conduct, curses are annulled.

19. One who needs to borrow from others, he is comparable to an animal.

20. Someone who is a middleman, when he wants to intercede, in order that an important man will buy an item from a common man, and he sees that his words are not being accepted by the common man - to sell the item to the important man, in that case the broker should pray that his words have effect on the common man, and he will sell to the important man.

21. One who controls his evil inclination, his children will not become delinquent (/involved with bad society or culture). Through this his money will be blessed, and through this he will not come to be tested.

ממון MONEY: book two 12-15

12. According to the changes that are done by the angels -- for example, sometimes they are sitting, sometimes standing, sometimes they are female, sometimes male, and other such differences -- so the bounty that comes from Heaven varies; sometimes fire, sometimes water, sometimes stone, and so other endowments. All these variations are manifest in the world and in man. Also, the will of a person changes according to the variations -- sometimes he wants one thing, and sometimes he wants something else.

13. A person's livelihood is according to his marital match.

14. According to the elders of the generation so is the livelihood.

15. Interest (monetary) detracts fear (of G-d).

ממון MONEY: book two 7-11

7. Through the longing with which a person craves to be buried in the land of Israel, through this comes great income.

8. For a feast of a mitzva a person should take the trouble even to chopping wood. When splitting the wood, he should have the intention that he is splitting and separating out the evil from the good in the Tree of Knowledge. Through this he will merit to a livelihood.

9. Through repentance, livelihood comes easily.

10. One who fulfills the maxim, "Your friend's money should be precious to you like your own", through this he merits to pray with intention in his heart.

11. Great is one who benefits from the exertion of his hands, for he recognizes the honor of G-d what angels don't know.

ממון MONEY: book two 1-6


1. A year which is a year of business is a good sign for physical health.

2. One who is passionate about working the land, comes to one of three things, either, spilling blood (i.e. murder), or leprosy, or drunkenness.

3. Through fear (of Heaven) and kindness, one is saved from fire, and merits a livelihood.

4. When Torah arbitration decreases, through this income decreases, and so too the opposite.

5. Through the finding of Torah sources for Rabbinic traditions, large income is delivered (/emanated) into the world. This is because there are various things that we don't find a reference to them in the Scriptures of the Torah, and the Sages of blessed memory labored to find them some sort of basis.

6. Sometimes G-d brags about the upright of the nations in front of the Satan, so that He can give livelihood to Israel without accusation.

ממון MONEY: book one 102-104

102. A wealthy person is the aspect of male, and a pauper is the aspect of female.

103. Pain in the eyes is a sign of damage (t.n. In the glosses here there is reference to #84, and a suggestion that here should read, toothache, based on Talmud Nida 65a).

104. For all attainments, whether it be wisdom, wealth or children, one must engage according to the laws of nature, but ask for mercy from G-d, that he be successful in the matter of his engagement.

ממון MONEY: book one 94-101

94. Blessing is not prevalent in the house of a man except for the sake of the honor of his wife (therefore a man should be diligent in honoring his wife).

95. One who lends on interest, his possessions collapse and do not rise.

96. Through the annulling of irreverent music, prices are lowered.

97. One who has no livelihood should study Torah and afterwards pray for a livelihood – certainly his prayer will be accepted.

98. A man should not sell the first item he purchased.

99. One who intrudes on the livelihood of his fellowman is called an evildoer.

100. No man would come to hurt his friend, if not for the arrogance in his heart.

101. Crumbs are conducive to poverty.

ממון MONEY: book one 84-93

84. Pain in the eyes is an omen for poverty.

85. Through submission, a man's livestock increases.

86. Through charity, one merits to a livelihood.

87. One who gives money to sorcerers causes that his livelihood will be dependent on a gentile household.

88. The words of the Tzaddik bring income.

89. Depression causes loss of income.

90. Through giving charity, you will have expansion.

91. A lot of sleep brings a person to poverty.

92. One who involves himself in Torah and charity merits wealth.

93. Esteem your wives so that in that way you become wealthy.

ממון MONEY: book one 74-83

74. Sometimes the death of karet (dying early due to certain sins) is replaced with poverty.

75. A poor person is confused like a drunkard.

76. Through overcharging (t.n. According to a possible root of this dictum, this word can be translated as verbal abuse), one becomes impoverished.

77. One who conducts his affairs in haste, with an unsettled mind, falls into debt.

78. One who curtails the livelihood of another is as if he murdered him.

79. A man should always hold fast to the estate of his forefathers, and not sell or exchange them.

80. One who desires money, he falls from his level.

81. Through apostasy comes poverty.

82. One who is poor should strive to provide food to those who beseech G-d.

83. Faith is good for livelihood.

ממון MONEY: book one 64-73

64. Modesty is conducive (segula) for wealth.

65. From the time that stingy people began to proliferate, there was a proliferation of those curtail the income of others.

66. The sustenance of a person is diminished when he does not judge others with the benefit of the doubt.

67. Also, when he mixes water with his drinks (t.n. This is probably referring to someone who is selling diluted drinks – as this is what is discussed in the Talmud).

68. Also, when a person listens to the advice of a tempter.

69. Also, when one commits a sin in order to anger (G-d), he becomes poor, and the world does not believe him that he is poor.

70. One who deals with impure names and witchcraft becomes poor.

71. When the sickness of weakening of the flesh, which is called Dar, comes upon one of the members of one's household, it is an omen of poverty.

72. When some shame comes upon a person, it is an omen of poverty.

73. One who despises money, he is taught from Above the way he should go.

ממון MONEY: book one 56-63

56. Through poverty, one is spared from the punishment of Hell.

57. Through using holy names, come poverty and death, and even to someone who is able to protest it and does not.

58. When someone is in a position that he should be screaming out against his fellowman who is stealing from him even jeopardizing his food, but is silent, G-d does justice for him.

59. When a man sees that his food (/income) is limited, he should give part of it to charity.

60. Worry and strain over his income (/food) diminishes the strength of a man.

61. Through sexual immorality comes poverty.

62. Sometimes when a tzaddik has no fortune with respect to income, opposers are brought up against him, and through this, he is given the income that was intended for them.

63. One who is involved with construction becomes poor.

ממון MONEY: book one 51-55

51. Rain is given in the merit of individuals, and income is given in the merit of the many. But an individual whose merit is great is considered like the many.

52. Through the kiddush made over wine, rain comes, and his prayers are heard.

53. One who keeps his father's Torah scroll in his house merits wealth.

54. Rain comes in the merit of one man, one field and one blade of grass, and in the merit of the land, and kindness, and suffering.

55. The rains are withheld due to idol worship, and because of promiscuity, and due to a Tzaddik who was not eulogized according to law (i.e. befittingly), and due to those who diminish the income of others.

ממון MONEY: book one 43-50

43. One who exhausts himself day and night for an income, and does not attain it, his rectification is to bring others back in repentance.

44. One who breaks some vessel unintentionally, it is certain that he is a sinner.

45. One who is enthusiastic (/bent) to work the land, certainly he is of no benefit.

46. In everything you do, ask the Tzaddik to pray on your behalf.

47. Constant joyfulness is conducive (segula) for success.

48. Derech Eretz (trade or occupation) needs encouragement (/strengthening).

49. One who includes G-d in his pain, his income is doubled. Also, his income flies to him like a bird.

50. Through the sin of neglecting terumos (portion given to the priests), and tithe-giving, profit is lost, and people run after their income and do not attain it.

ממון MONEY: book one 34-42

34. Honor to the Torah and honor to the Shabbat is a segula (conducive) for wealth.

35. The kezayit (measure like that of an olive) of bitter herbs that is eaten on Passover, is a segula (conducive) for wealth.

36. Writing a Torah scroll is a segula (conducive) for livelihood.

37. A daughter of a Cohen marrying a common Jew, or a daughter of a Torah scholar marrying an unlearned man, brings him to poverty.

38. Joining forces with one whose fortunate hour is at hand is good for success.

39. One who loves G-d in the midst of his eating, drinking and other pleasures, merits supporting many nations.

40. One who despises money merits length of days.

41. One who searches after treasures brings his time of death closer.

42. One who has not rectified the sins of his youth becomes impoverished.

ממון MONEY: book one 27-33

27. A rectification for (lack of) rain – make abundant prayer.

28. Through faith, livelihood is abundant.

29. When there is prosperity (lit. satiation – antonym of famine) in the world, physical weaknesses are diminished.

30. The rain is only withheld due to those who publicly pledge charity and do not give.

31. Disgusting things (or actions) in the house bring poverty.

32. Three things bring a man to poverty: 1) One who urinates in front of his bed, naked, 2) One who is careless in ritual handwashing, and 3) One whose wife curses him in front of him.

33. Giving tithes is conducive (segula) to wealth specifically in the Land of Israel.

ממון MONEY: book one 20-26

20. A man's livelihood is paramount to the splitting of the Red Sea, and more than the Redemption, and twice as difficult as childbirth.

21. Whence a person is appointed as a parnas (president to manage the welfare) of a group, he becomes wealthy.

22. The Incense burned in the Temple makes (the officiating priest) wealthy.

23. A person should not worry saying, so-and-so curtailed my livelihood. For against their will seat you in your (rightful) place and call you by your (rightful) name.

24. On account of four things, the possessions of householders fall into continuous reduction: For delaying the payment of employees, for fully denying employees their salary, and for casting off responsibility from their necks and placing it on their fellows, and for arrogance.

25. Changing one's place and name are beneficial for making a livelihood.

26. The rain is only withheld due to not giving terumos (portion for priests) and tithes, people who speak lushon hura (bad talk/slander), haughty people, annulling study of the Torah, and the sin of stealing.

ממון MONEY: book one 10-19

10. A man's wife does not die unless others ask him for money and he does not have it.

11. The power that the non-Jewish nations have to steal from Israel comes from their studying the Scriptures.

12. Wine brings poverty.

13. A man who has cognizance, in the end becomes wealthy.

14. One who steals from his fellow-man, through this they make him impure with the impurity of subconscious emission.

15. When some new understanding comes to a man, it is certain that great wealth is attached to its heel.

16. Money of a Jew that falls into the hands of a gentile, immediately becomes permissible (i.e. another Jew can salvage the money for himself).

17. One whose sons and daughters are enduring famine, through this he is spared from the judgment of burning that is one of the four death-sentences of the religious courts.

18. One who disregards the safeguards the Rabbis established to protect the Torah becomes poor.

19. One who overcomes his lust of eating, merits to a nice abode.

ממון MONEY: book one 1-9

1. One who ridicules -- his livelihood is diminished.

2. The speech (terminology) of the sages brings wealth.

3. Wealth does not endure, on account of not having mercy on people.

4. One who stands in a test of sexual immorality will merit to great wealth amidst his enemies.

5. Great is work, being that G-d warned about it, that a person should do some type of work.

6. [People weak] such as ourselves, should borrow in order to eat.

7. One who wants to become wealthy should deal in small animals (t.n. Like sheep and goats) in a remote location.

8. [The amount a person spends on] eating and drinking should be below his means, and he should dress and cover himself according to his means, and he should honor his wife and children beyond his means.

9. Poverty in a man's house is harder than fifty plagues (- like those of Egypt).

Thursday, November 8, 2012

מוהל MOHEL (One Who Performs a Circumcision):

1. One must seek out a mohel who is a tzaddik and Heaven fearing. For when the mohel is not good, it is possible that the child he circumcises will be unable to sire, G-d forbid. Also, when the mohel is not good, through this the child can come, G-d forbid, to falling sickness (epilepsy).

2. A woman who is unable to conceive should gaze upon the circumcision knife immediately following the circumcision.

3. The mohel gives the circumcised child understanding in the learning of the Torah.

4. The commandment of circumcision has the power that resides in the clothes of the Cohen Gadol (High Priest).

5. One who is born circumcised, it is certain that his power of imagination is good and proper.

6. One who does acts of kindness, the name that he bestows will endure. For this reason, before naming a child, one should do kindness, and through this the child's name will endure.

ליצנות MOCKERY:

1. Through mockery, one will have many creditors, and they will rule over him. Also he will fail in promiscuity. Also, his wife will dominate him.

2. Through mockery, one walks and falls (alt. - continuously falls). Also, he comes to falsehood, and wandering from place to place.

3. Through flattery comes mockery.

4. Through mockery comes suffering.

5. Through mockery he does not have wisdom.

6. Mockery makes a person loathsome to G-d and to people.

7. Through mockery come fires (lit. burning).

8. One who mocks the words of the Sages is judged (/sentenced to be committed) in boiling excrement.

9. All forms of mockery are forbidden, except for the mocking of idol-worship.

10. Mockery is a dreadful matter – for it begins with suffering and its end is annihilation.

11. One who mocks, his sustenance is diminished, and he falls into Hell, and he brings destruction to the world.



1. Due to fear, a woman miscarries.

2. A segula (conducive) for one who miscarriages with stillborns, is that she should carry with her a magnet. Also, she should carry with her a piece of wood from the grave of a tzaddik. Also, she should give charity.

3. A woman who is prone to miscarry should carry with her dew-water.

4. A segulah (conducive) for one who miscarries, is that she should sell her fetus.

5. On account of the sin of needless hatred, a woman miscarries stillborns.

6. Through her lust for food and drink, she miscarries.


1. A woman who miscarries stillborns should not go with golden jewelry.

2. The grinding of flour and kneading of the matzah of Passover is a segulah (conducive) that miscarries with stillborns.

רחמנות MERCY: book two


1. Due to not asking mercy for one's friend, through this one falls into imprisonment. A repair for being imprisoned is to feed some animal.

2. Toothache comes through cruelty to animals.

3. A segula (conducive) to remove sadness – through mercy.

4. It is necessary to guard one's self from causing animals pain, for it will harm him.

רחמנות MERCY: book one

1. One who has mercy on the poor, merits to see the comfort of G-d, may He be blessed.

2. Also, he will always win.

3. When there is no mercy, hunger comes to the world.

4. Also, thievery increases.

5. One who prays with force merits to have mercy on the poor.

6. One who does not have mercy goes insane.

7. One who pays back good for evil, increases his length of days and years.

8. Through having mercy, your base desires are annulled.

9. When you see that your brother is in pain, and you do not help him, it is as if you did the harm.

10. One who sees his friend in pain must ask for mercy on his behalf.

11. Through asking for mercy, one merits to make marital matches which are good and honorable.

12. One who judges people favorably merits receiving the festivals appropriately.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012



1. A woman who bleeds abundantly is an excessive talker. She should not beautify herself in people's eyes, also she should wash in spring water, also she should not exert herself excessively. Also, her husband should be careful with ritual hand washing. Also, she should not get angry. Also, after her immersion she should give charity. Also her husband should learn the tractate Nidah (Menstrual Impurity), and afterwards recite the Song for the Day (every day of the week has a different Psalm). Also, she should wash herself with things that can be raised from nets in the river. Also, she should drink goats' milk. Also, she should wash herself using goat feathers, and smoke herself in frankincense.

2. A woman who is oozing blood should write the letters lo echad (not one), and carry it on her.

3. A woman who is immodest, through this she does not have a set time for her period and bleeds abundantly.

4. A woman in her time of impurity, who saw blood by chance, it is because of a sin of the husband.


1. A woman who does not have a period should fast.

2. A segula (conducive) to restore to a woman her period, is through hospitality.

3. One whose business and dealings are with the non-Jewish nations at the time of their festivals -- or even not at that time, but he derives an income from supplying them with articles to be used for their idol worship -- through this, his wife bleeds immediately following her immersion.

זכירה MEMORY:

1. One who embarrasses his friend becomes forgetful.

2. Through worry comes forgetfulness.

3. Through learning aloud one comes memory.

4. Through suffering one comes to forgetfulness.

5. By picturing before you the image of your father and mother, you will come to memory.

6. Through carrying out practical commandments, one is released from the measure of forgetfulness and is connected to the quality of memory.

7. Through promiscuity, one destroys the memory.

8. Through falsehood comes forgetfulness.

9. Someone without memory should bring people back in repentance.

10. Someone without memory, it is certain that he has not repaired the sins of his youth.

11. A forgetful person should give charity.

12. Someone without memory should sanctify himself with great holiness.

13. Through lowliness, you will merit to memory.

14. Through sadness comes forgetfulness.

15. One who keeps his learning hidden does not forget.


1. In the merit of memorial (lit. constant) lights that burn on olive oil, one is saved from losing the Jewish faith.



1. Through the stories of tzaddikim, the light of the Mashiach is drawn into the world, much darkness and suffering is dispelled from the world, and also one merits to attractive clothing.

2. Through repentance, the Spirit of the Mashiach wafts upon the harsh decrees of the nations (lit. kingdoms) and annuls them.

3. In the future, there will be a generation in the world that will be totally righteous.

4. Through Truth, the End (- of the exile) will come.

5. Through keeping the Shabbat one draws upon oneself the light of the Mashiach, also through repentance.



1. One who has difficulty finding his soulmate should say the Song at the Sea with concentration.

2. Kiddush Levanah (the Blessing over the New Moon) is a segula (conducive) to finding one's soulmate. A sign for this: The Hebrew word for moon – LiVaNA is the acronym for: "A virgin is married on Wednsday.".

3. By making a marriage to a Torah scholar, benefits and blessings come to a person.

4. By making a marriage to a Torah scholar, one is saved from the punishment that comes through giving advice to do evil against a friend.

5. Through making a marriage to a Torah scholar, through this worthy judges are appointed.

6. One who has difficulty in finding his soulmate should accustom himself to reciting the passages about the sacrifices of the Princes of the Twelve Tribes.

7. A proposed match which is spoken about, even though the actual match is not completed, this is also from Providence, and the proposal itself has an impact on him and her.

8. The shroud which is used to cover the face of the bride before the marriage rites has the power of fertility.

9. Through prayer, one can change his soulmate that was announced in Heaven.

10. One who is careful not to spend the night or to live in a house; two couples in one house, through this he merits to have son-in-laws who are Cohanim (priests) and/or very important.

11. When a man marries a woman after the death of his first wife, his first wife is anguished in the grave.



1. Someone who returns a lost article to its owner, with this strength he makes converts.

אהבה LOVE: book two

1. When plants grow to completeness, through this there is love in the world

2. The love of a woman for her husband can be discerned by the flies and mosquitoes in the house. Also, through their love, it is possible to know the power of the evil inclination, whether it has been weakened or not.

3. Sages of the generation with love between them, that they see each other occasionally, then they have the power to judge the whole world, and their judgment stands, and no one can change or annul their judgment, for the Holy One Blessed be He is their Supreme Judge of their court.

4. Through needless hatred, one comes to eat non-kosher food (lit: stumbles regarding meat that was not prepared kosher).

5. Through lust of eating, one comes to love one of his sons more than the others.

אהבה LOVE: book one

1. When there is no love between people, they go about gossiping. Through gossip, they come to mockery, and through mockery, they speak falsehood.

2. Through hatred comes upheaval, and through hatred come fires (lit: things get burned).

3. Through the love of the L-rd, may He be blessed, the soul is guarded from all evil calamities.

4. If you first repent from your sins, you can come to love of the L-rd, Blessed be He.

5. One who prays with self-sacrifice for the people of Israel is loved by all.

6. Through love, one is strengthened.

7. If you strengthen a person in his service of G-d, blessed-be-He, he will love you.

8. Through saying Hallel in a loud voice, one merits to love of G-d, blessed-be-He.

9. If you will be careful to avoid needless hatred, then when you have a legal case with a strongman who isn't willing to settle with you, through this he will settle with you.

10. One who is careful to avoid making a false oath, he certainly will not transgress the commandments not to take revenge and not to bear a grudge.

11. Garlic is conducive (segula) to love.

12. One who serves out of love -- his merit protects for two thousand generations.

13. In the place where an agreement or a covenant is made, the L-rd, blessed is He, is present there.



1. The force of a curse does not effect one with respected lineage.

2. Even a righteous woman, if she does not have respected lineage, through this she will have children who are not upright.

3. It is difficult for the Holy One Blessed be He to cast away and annul those with respected lineage.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

לימוד learning BOOK TWO 8-17

8. A teacher who teaches his students in this manner -- that is, he only teaches to each student what he specifically needs to hear, not more and not less. Through this he merits that the most pleasant and praiseworthy aspects of the Torah are revealed to him.

9. When a student hears words of Torah from a rabbi, and annuls his will to the will of the rabbi, according to this you can be sure that he listened. For when he does not annul his will, even though he hears, he really does not hear. Also, when his feelings (-senses) are annulled at the time of hearing, this is a sign that he has truly heard.

10. At the time when a student comes to hear Torah from a rabbi, the student's evil -- that is, the impure husks (klipos) created by the evil in him, also come to hear and draw from it. However, when each student hears only what is relevant to his soul, as was described above, the evil spirits (klipos) flee, and are not able to hear. Yet there is a subtle evil (klipa) which is close to holiness, that will only flee when there is within the Torah teaching a message of salvation of Israel, then it also flees. A hint for this from Scripture: "And Moshe sent his father-in-law" -- if one learns this passage according to the opinion that Yitro (the father-in-law of Moses) came and went his way before the giving of the Torah.

11. One who utters words of Torah is saved from the sentence of stoning.

12. A man cannot merit to Torah and good deeds in all places. Due to this, G-d brings about circumstances that cause the man to go from one place to another place.

13. When a man learns until he is exhausted, he sweetens judgments and arouses mercy. Also through this he arouses mercy for his father in the grave.

14. Through Torah, one comes to Faith, and through Faith, one comes to sanctify the Name of G-d.

15. Those with pure eyesight can recognize in a man, who is the rabbi who taught him Torah. This is specifically when the one looking is familiar with the face of the rabbi. For through the religious law that a man learns from his rabbi, his face becomes similar to the appearance of the face of the rabbi, for the law is his wisdom that enlightens the face of a man (as in the verse, "The wisdom of man enlightens his face.") When one receives the law, one receives an aspect of the appearance of the teacher's face. And according to the amount of laws he learns, the more aspects of the appearance of his face are acquired.

16. Through sanctifying the name of G-d, may He be blessed, the authority of the leaders of the generation is in full force and strength. Through this, everyone values the commandment of hospitality to guests, and through this, the Torah students merit that the law is set according to their opinion.

17. One who is strict with others and lenient with himself, and says about what he did not hear, that he heard, due to this, he does not merit to see the beauty of the King. For the evil force (klipa) of Edom, which is negative fear, darkens the light of his eyes, so that he cannot see the beauty of the Face of the King.

לימוד learning BOOK TWO 1-7


1. There are sufferings that come upon a person, whose allotted time is according to the alignment of the stars that determine all such sufferings. However, through the desire and longing that is aroused in students at the time appointed for their study sessions with their rabbi, through this sufferings are annulled before their appointed time.

2. The Torah, the tithes, and the Shabbat give physical life as well (as spiritual life).

3. Through learning the Shulchan Aruch (Code of Jewish Law), one comes to Fear of G-d.

4. One who learns Torah with a pure mind - that his eating is holy to the point that he is nourished from the food that the angels from. Through this his enemies are punished with strangulation. This is learned from Torah passages: "And it was on the third day, at the beginning of the morning (Shemot 19:16)", "And in the morning there was a layer of dew (Shemot 16:13)", "And it was in the watch of the morning (Shemot 14:24)". [An explanation for this can be found in the entry “Eating” book II: 5].

5. Through the outstanding and sharp ones of the generation, fear of G-d is illuminated, and through fear of G-d, the merit of the forefathers is sparked, and through the sparkling of the forefathers, repentance is aroused in the world.

6. Learning (poskim) the works of those who determine the halachah (Jewish law) annuls thoughts of idol worship.

7. When one goes from master to master, then he needs to strengthen his faith in the Unity of Hashem, may He be Blessed. Because learning from many teachers damages faith in the Unity. So too, the master who has faith in the Unity, he is able to illuminate to each and every student according to his ability, and each student only hears what he needs, and no more.

לימוד learning 90 - 92 BOOK ONE

90. Torah learning without deeds is like myrtle, which has fragrance but no taste.

91. By whom do you find orders of Torah (i.e. vast arrays)? By one who rises early and stays up late for them in the study hall, and blackens his face for them as a raven, and makes himself cruel as a raven (regarding the needs of) his children.

92. A person cannot merit learning from anyone. Because of this people travel great distances to learn.

לימוד learning 80-89

80. One who interrupted his Torah study for trivial matters, his rectification is to get up at midnight.

81. One who hates falsehood as he would an abomination, he will have passion to learn.

82. A book that a wicked person learned from, do not learn from it, for the letters of the book will make you wicked.

83. When you hear Torah or moral instruction from someone, and in you heart you gain no respect for him, it is certain that he is a fool.

84. Torah (learning) for which you incur expenses, through this it will not be forgotten from you.

85. One who chases after the desires of his heart, through this you will find him alluded to in all the passages of the Torah – disparagingly.

86. One who separates himself from the Torah connects to the Satan.

87. Two Torah scholars who honor each other in legal study for the sake of the Divine Presence, and in humility, G-d grants them success, and they rise to greatness, and merit to the Torah that was given by G-d's right hand, and merit to things given through the right hand of the Torah.

88. A Torah scholar who avenges and is spiteful like a snake -- cling to him, for in the end you will benefit from his learning.

89. It is forbidden to learn from one who is drawn to idol-worship, and one who learns from him is liable to the death penalty.

למוד LEARNING: book one 70-79

70. It is necessary to pray that one will merit to have upright students.

71. Through expounding on the Torah in a positive light, one can bring salvation.

72. Through an expansive heart, one can understand one thing from another.

73. One who has no desire to learn Torah should not speak about anyone any bad word.

74. Do not learn, except by someone who is Heaven fearing.

75. Through Torah, you will merit peace.

76. When you say Torah (- ideas developed from the Torah) according to your level, and not beyond it, through this G-d will honor your commands.

77. Due to blasphemy, a person does not have desire to learn.

78. Through giving charity for the sake of the Divine Presence, one merits to Torah for the sake of the Divine Presence.

79. Through getting up at midnight, one merits to understand the Torah and explicate it.

למוד LEARNING: book one 60-69

60. When there are two verses, from one you can expound on merit and good, and from the other you can expound on the opposite, expound on the verse which is of merit and good.

61. One who does not have understanding in his learning should spend a Shabbat with a tzaddik. Also through this he will merit to learn Torah for the sake of Heaven. Or he should endeavor to do some favor for a tzaddik, or learn with joy, or bring in the Shabbat with joy, or greet the tzaddik with joy.

62. Through learning in-depth, one is able to pray.

63. One who cannot learn because of impediments should abstain from intoxicating beverages.

64. Through neglecting Torah study, one comes to neglect prayer, and this is also the case in the converse.

65. One who cannot learn due to lack of time, and he learns on Shabbat and Rosh Chodesh (the first day of the month), with this he closes off the spirit of impurity.

66. When one does not understand one's Torah learning, it is certain that harsh judgments are laid upon him.

67. It is easy to understand some concept when one is in a high location, such as on a mountain or other such place.

68. Arousal in the morning to study is conducive (segula) to the sense of hearing.

69. Through teaching the Tinokos shel bais Raban [- very young children], peace proliferates.

למוד LEARNING: book one 50-59

50. One who learns but does not review is comparable to one who sows but doesn't harvest.

51. One who reviews his learning -- the Torah requests from G-d to reveal to him the taamei Torah (lit. the taste or cantillation or reasoning, with an inference to the esoteric) and its secrets.

52. One who does not have established times for learning comes to promiscuous thoughts.

53. One who does not review his learning has difficulty raising children.

54. One who learns Torah for its own sake creates peace in the pamalia (– gathering of the wise, often translated as tribunal) Above and Below, and protects the whole world, and is as if he built the Upper and Lower Palace, and hastens the Redemption.

55. One who teaches his friend's son Torah, is considered as if he created him, and as if he created the words of Torah, and as if he created himself.

56. One who blackens his face for the words of Torah in this world, G-d will make his face radiant in the World to Come.

57. One who goes hungry for the sake of learning Torah, G-d will satiate him in the World to Come.

58. One who reads books of apostates is considered an apostate (lit. is called an 'apikorus').

59. One who reads a scriptural verse in its time brings good to the world.

למוד LEARNING: book one 40-49

40. It is very beneficial to learn near rivers.

41. One who engages in Torah at night is as if he is engaged in the service (of the Holy Temple).

42. One who studies the laws of the Temple Service, it is as if the Holy Temple was rebuilt in his days.

43. One who teaches Torah to an unfit student falls into Hell, and is as if he were casting a stone to the (idol) marcolis.

44. The Torah itself was given to all of Israel. But pilpul (formulating and developing argumentation and disputations) was only granted to Moshe alone, and he, in his generosity, gave it to all Israel.

45. When a man gives himself over entirely (hefker) to teach the Torah to all, the Torah is granted to him as a gift.

46. The Torah (one learns) is only preserved by one who impoverishes himself for her (by abstaining from any business), and by one who makes himself as if without knowledge.

47. Learning precedes fear of sin, and fear of sin precedes in-depth study.

48. Through eating bread in the morning (pas shacharis), one's learning is preserved, and one merits to learn and teach.

49. Torah study must specifically be recited aloud, for the learning which is only in thought is forgotten, and does not come to be actualized in deed.

למוד LEARNING: book one 30-39

30. Through understanding, one merits to repentance.

31. It is forbidden to teach a wicked man a wondrous matter.

32. A great man can learn from the wicked, but a simple (lit. small) man can not.

33. Regularity of learning rises above the keeping of all the commandments.

34. One who is without a wife languishes (lit. is soaked/permeated) without Torah (/good).

35. One who learns by himself cannot compare to one who learns from a rabbi.

36. It is not pleasing to the Holy One, Blessed is He, when the Jewish people are judged unfavorably.

37. One who loves a Torah scholar, he and his seed will remain steadfast in Torah.

38. A person should learn even if it is without understanding.

39. It is very beneficial to see the mouth of the rabbi during the learning.

למוד LEARNING: book one 20 -29

20. Learning Torah is greater than offerings of the Tamid (sacrifice brought twice daily in the Temple).

21. One who says, "This Torah saying is pleasant, and that one is not" loses the wealth of the Torah.

22. Relearning something forgotten is harder than learning something new.

23. One who forgets one detail from his learning causes the exile of his children, and he is brought down from his greatness.

24. A Torah scholar whose inner being does not match up to his outward appearance is called an abomination.

25. A Torah scholar -- the citizens of his city are obligated to do his work.

26. Due to annulling Torah study, G-d is made, so to speak, poor (i.e. put in a position where He is unwilling to help).

27. Torah study is greater than saving lives, and building the Temple, and honoring one's parents.

28. Through holiness one merits to understanding.

29. There are three over whom the Holy One, Blessed is He, cries every day, and one of them is a person who could engage in Torah and does not.

למוד LEARNING: book one 10-19

10. All the knowledge one gains in the laws of the Torah, whether dealing with the commandments relating to one's fellow man, or those between man and his Creator -- the knowledge itself is a success for the soul.

11. A book written with ink made from olive oil is conducive (segula) to learning.

12. Awe of a Torah scholar is a segula (conducive) to learning.

13. One who engages in Torah at night, the Divine Presence is before him.

14. What should a man to do gain wisdom? He should increase in learning (yeshiva – lit. sitting), minimize business, and ask for mercy. Because any one of these without the other is not enough.

15. Speaking in a loud voice brings feeling and movement to all the limbs.

16. One who learns in a loud voice lives long, and he retains what he learned (- his learning is upheld in his hand).

17. One without arrogance, he retains his learning (- his learning is upheld in his hand).

18. Also, one who teaches others.

19. Hearing directly from the sage is more beneficial.

למוד LEARNING: book one 1-9


1. One who gives delight to his father and cheers him, through this he will have desire and love for learning.

2. When you want to give life to something through reciting words of your Torah, do not expound on negative subjects. Rather, expound on verses and subjects that deal with the good.

3. When a man recites novel Torah teachings, through this he gives joy to the Blessed G-d.

4. When a wicked person says Torah [t.n. This probably means his own exposition], know that he causes to stumble (t.n. This is an inference even to sin) those who listen to his teaching.

5. One who causes his friend to desist from his learning, it is certain that he has deviated from the Way of G-d.

6. Torah learning, even while half a sleep, is good.

7. Through accepting suffering with love, one does not forget his learning.

8. All the Torah that a person tried to learn in this world, and was prevented from understanding the full true intent of the learning, he will merit to understand it properly (/truthfully) in the World to Come.

9. Through rising for a Torah scholar, one merits to Torah.