Thursday, September 27, 2012

Book of Traits - The Alef Bet Book - introduction

The Book of Traits - Sefer Hamedos, also known as The Aleph Beth Book was written by Rabbi Nachman of Breslov. The book is composed of entries that are listed alphabetically (Hebrew alphabet) -[ although entries of the same first letter are not necessarily further arranged alphabetically by their second letter]. This holy book has two parts, the majority of the entries were written by Rabbainu when he was a very young child, where as BOOK TWO were added much later when Rabbi Nachman was already in his thirties (possibly late twenties as well). Rabbi Nachman testified about this book that "it made him into a Jew"!



1. A man who is accustomed to curse is from the World of Disorder, and conversely, one accustomed to blessing is from the World of Repair.

2. Investigating the World of Disorder, that is to say, speculating about what is Above and what is Below, etc., draws down curse; one who restrains himself from these investigations causes blessing.

3. One accustomed to curse through this he will not have clothes for Shabbat.

4. The power of a curse do not have effect on one with [an honored] lineage.

5. Through serving the Tzaddik comes freedom and curses are annulled.

6. Through conducting business faithfully, curses are annulled.

7. When a man curses his fellow during a time of dread, the curse is very damaging to him.


קללה CURSE:


1. Curses cause a state of mourning, G-d forbid.

2. One does not have permission to curse unless he can see the generations to come from the one [he is cursing].

3. Do not take the curse of a common man lightly (in your eyes).

4. Curses affect according to the intention (with which they are said).

5. Sometimes the curse of a tzaddik are fulfilled as long as he lives, but not after his passing.

6. In the end, an unjustified curse returns upon the one who cursed.

7. The curse of a Torah sage comes to pass, even if it was unjustified, and even if it was given conditionally.

8. Even a non-Jew who blesses the Jewish People is blessed.


בכיה CRYING:


1. Someone who cannot cry should look at the sky, for it caused the water to cry.

2. Crying annuls promiscuous thoughts.

3. A segulah for healing sicknesses of the neck is to cry over the destruction of the Temple.

Constipation - עצירות


1. Through constipation come idolatrous thoughts.

2. In any case of impending death, one should open his orifices.

3. Constipation harms the eyes.

Contention - BOOK TWO


1. Talking (bad) about a tzaddik causes [heretical] philosophy to gain strength in the world, and so too, the opposite [i.e. praising a tzaddik…].

2. There are famous religious leaders whose fame is primarily created through controversy.

3. Through strife, one falls into sexual lust.

4. One against whom many arise to challenge him on account of his faith; and he stands up against them and makes well-received counter-claims, through this he will merit having many children, and the world will be filled with his seed.

5. One who always sets his mind's eye to investigate the leaders of the generation, examining them unfavorably (lit. with a “bad eye”), through this he falls into the hunger predicted for the future, that is to say, "…not a hunger for bread…" (Amos 8) For the Hebrew word for hunger, Ra’AV, is the word RaV (denoting the head rabbi) with the letter Ayin (which is Hebrew for “eye”) in the middle (Reish and Beit spell Rav, and Reish - Ayin - Beit spell hunger. [I.e. putting a (bad) eye on (in) the Rav leads to hunger, Ra’AV.])

6. Through giving charity, one defeats his enemies through minimal means (/cause or effect) and the Holy One, Blessed be He, saves him from even the great means of his enemies.

7. By saying Birkat HaMazon (the blessings after the meal which fulfill the Torah mandate, “You shall eat, be satisfied and bless the L-rd, your G-d…”), the Blessed G-d becomes known in the world. Also through Grace After Meals, the government is rested from strife and war.

8. One who's Torah learning is with a pure mind, [including that his] eating is so holy that he is nourished from the [same] food from which the angels are nourished, causes that his enemies be punished with strangulation. A sign (or hint to the veracity ) of this matter is: (three similar Biblical phrases): "And it was on the third day, at the beginning of the morning…” (Shemot 19:16), "And in the morning there was a layer of dew…” (Shemot 16:13)" "And it was in the watch of the morning…” (Shemot 14:24)

[Rabbi Nosson states]: (“I heard an explanation of this sign from the his (Rabbi Nachman's) holy mouth. For the first passage, "And it was on the third day, at the beginning of the morning…," was said at the giving of the Torah, which is the aspect of what was said above, "One who learns with a pure mind..." The second quote, "And in the morning there was a layer of dew…," refers to the manna, which is the food by which the angels are nourished, as the Rabbis OB”M said. The third quote, "And it was in the watch of the morning…," refers to the splitting of the Red Sea, wherein the Egyptians were drowned, which is the aspect of strangulation, as the Rabbis OB”M said. Rabbi Nachman learned 'morning' from 'morning' (applying the concept found by one citing of morning to the other citings), and through this he found this perception in the Torah).

9. The suffering and accusations that come upon a Torah sage cause him to forget.

10. Quarreling causes that students of small stature become famous before their time. This is an aspect of miscarriage—when a fetus comes into the air of the world before its time. This causes poverty, and sometimes (even) causes deaths, G-d forbid.

11. Sometimes a man does not have peace in his house, and all the members of his household quarrel with each other. It is certain that there are demons in the house causing all this—and though this affliction comes upon his household.

12. Sometimes a person's place causes him quarrels for the same reason as it is forbidden to ask about a person's peace in an unclean place. [The Hebrew word for peace, “shalom” is a Name of G-d and should not be spoken in a filthy place – thus we find that certain places are contrary to peace.]

13. Through pain and sadness, contention comes to the world. Conversely, through joy, peace comes to the world.

14. Revelation of the Torah comes through peace.

15. The business or work that a man strains to do on a fast-day, this matter saves him from enemies and murderers.

16. One who has enemies has difficulty concentrating in prayer.

17. One who causes a separation between a man and his wife—that is, he goes to the husband and glorifies the wife in his eyes, and then goes to the wife and discredits the husband in her eyes, until it causes a separation between them—causes difficulty with his own livelihood.

18. When the Holy One, Blessed be He, sees that there is a tzaddik who has the power to draw people to the service of G-d, He raises up enemies against him inorder to enable him to draw people close [to G-d]. For a tzaddik without enemies cannot draw anyone close – just like in the days of the Messiah the world will dwell in tranquility, and then no new converts will be accepted.

19. Due to idolatrous thoughts enemies come and dominate (lit. elevate over) a person.

20. One whose enemies rise up (against him) falls into lust for food.

21. When a person feels itching in his body, he should know that he has enemies. Sometimes through the blows and bruises he brings upon his own body, he is saved from enemies, for one is in exchange for the other.

22. There are two tzaddikim, one of whose words are in plowing, and the other's in harvesting; or one whose words erect the the bris (circumcision – a holy reference to the male covenant) for relations, and the other's words draw the seed and create the fetus in its mother's womb, and cultivate it. Thus, when there is an argument between these two tzaddikim, an outsider should not involve himself in their words that they speak one on another, in order no to ruin the goal.

23. One who has enemies should prohibit himself from wine, and through this he will become their head (i.e. leader or ruler).

24. A segulah to be saved from one's enemies—whether they are enemies in controversy or enemies on the routes of travel— of whom he is afraid; is to say all the names of the ta'amim (incantation notes) of the Torah—that is: Pashta, Munach, Zarkah, etc.

Contention - BOOK ONE


1. There is no maintaining a stand in war as a result of the transgression of an oath.

2. One who pursues his fellow-man (to attack or harm him), G-d brings evil upon him (the pursuer) in order that he will forget his fellow man from pursuing him.

3. Through the recitation of Hallel (six specific chapters of Tehillim traditionally recited together on certain holidays) the Holy Blessed One will save you from your enemies.

4. Through giving honor to the Torah, a man is saved from those who hate him.

5. Before engaging in war, it is necessary to pray to the Blessed G-d.

6. Each time that a person falls from his faith, he draws upon himself a rich and powerful adversary.

7. When a person prays about his enemies, he should pray in the morning.

8. Gazing frequently at the heavens, this annuls the hatred of one's enemies.

9. When one forgets the poor, he does not triumph.

10. A poor man that is pursued by an evil man, know that the poor man is arrogant.

11. One who is obsessed with winning, the Holy Blessed One forgets him and hides His face from him.

12. When a person is in distress, his enemies rise.

13. One who is obsessed with winning comes to forgetfulness.

14. Contention befalls a person when the person is presented with the opportunity to do a mitzvah, and he dismisses it and does not perform it.

15. One who quarrels with the Tzaddikim, it is certain that his thoughts are evil.

16. Sometimes location causes a person contention.

17. Someone who has enemies should humble himself, and through this G-d will save him from his enemies.

18. When a person has enemies, and he searches in all sorts of ways to find (a way to) love them, through this they will be as absolutely nothing.

19. When a person has enemies and he does not think of how to take revenge against them, but remains bound to the joy of the Blessed G-d, through this the Holy Blessed One gives him the power to avenge himself against them.

20. Those who sin sexually, for the most part, are fighters with (i.e. against) the tzaddikim.

21. When there is [the trait of] yielding (humility), through this there is no fear at war, as if he is dwelling in an impregnable fortress.

22. One who is obsessed with winning is visited with incurable illnesses.

23. Two who are quarreling and take their case before a gentile dignitary, through this the Holy Blessed One brings upon them a blow that cannot be healed.

24. Sometimes, the Holy One, Blessed be He, hardens the heart of the wicked in contention against the righteous in order that [the wicked] have a downfall.

25. One who gives honor to an elderly man is saved from war.

26. One who recounts his quarrel before the Holy One, Blessed be He, sees his vengeance on his enemies.

27. Through strife comes poverty.

28. One who quarrels with his neighbors ends up being an object of ridicule to his enemies.

29. One who is denigrated and remains silent is called pious and the Holy One, Blessed be He, guards his soul.

30. Fiery prayer, so fired up that it comes to his face, through this his enemies fall and are singed.

31. One who is good and upright from his youth, through this, when he has a conflict, many people will volunteer and band together with him to help him.

32. One who entices his fellow man and bars him from the good path, cannot stand up against his enemies in the time of contention and war.

33. Through confession, the thoughts of your enemies directed against you will be annulled.

34. A contentious person, it is certain that he likes sin (/crime).

35. One who is reticent, no man can overcome him (/compete with him).

36. When those opposed [to Chassidus—an approach to Jewish observance brought into the world by the holy Ba’al Shem Tov and his students] oppose chassidim and want to arrest them from their devotions of Heaven, through this they fall and become despicable in their own eyes.

37. For victory, say the chapter(s) (which opens), "On the eight-stringed instrument..." (Psalms 6 and 12)

38. One who visits the sick, the Holy One, Blessed be He, does not hand him over to his enemies.

39. One who has enemies should say prayers and petitions all day, and his mouth should not cease from prayer and supplication, through this the Holy One, Blessed be He, will save him, and his enemies will be shamed (see also 46).

40. One who is pursued will merit having children and grandchildren.

41. One who has enemies should request of many people that they pray for mercy for him, and he will have peace from his enemies.

42. When you have enemies below (in this world), it is certain that you also have enemies Above (in the Upper World).

43. Through learning [Torah], one's enemies retreat.

44. By having trust, enemies will not be able to harm you.

45. By having [the trait of] submission, your enemies will fall into the trap that they prepared for you.

46. One who prays all day – through this shame comes upon his enemies (see also above 39).

47. One who harms (lit. did bad to) the enemy of a tzaddik will merit to always triumph.

48. When people speak bad about you, learn Agaddah (legends of the Oral Torah) every night.

49. Two tzaddikim cannot live in the same city, until they have truth.

50. Through having trust [in G-d], one's enemies will not rejoice in one's troubles.

51. One who does not humiliate his fellow man, his enemies will not rejoice over him.

52. One who has many enemies, it is certain that their hatred is not justified. For it is impossible that they are all vindicated in his wronging them.

53. When a man has enemies, and afterwards one of his own friends and comrades also rises against him, it is a sign that his opponents will stumble and fall.

54. One who has faith is not afraid from enemies.

55. Through prayer - crying out from pain, one's enemies will not rejoice over him.

56. One who has enemies and does not know whether or not he will fall into their hands, should examine whether he falls from his level in service of the Blessed G-d, then it is certain he will be delivered into their hands.

57. For [abating] contention, learn the Tractate Sukkah.

58. Contention comes through an association of evildoers.

59. Due to depression, even your friends will oppose you.

60. Contention is not found (/prevalent) in one's home only when all the produce in the house has been consumed.

61. Sometimes, when many tzaddikim oppose one tzaddik, the Holy One, Blessed be He sides with them, even though the truth rests with the one tzaddik. the other tzaddikim draw the Will of G-d to them.

62. One who calls his fellow man wicked, it is permitted to interfere with his business and to decrease his income by up to one third.

63. If a person does not have friends and those who love him, death would be relief for him.

64. All things are created in the aspect of male and female. Even kings—there is a king whose aspect is male, and there is a king whose aspect is female. The Holy One, Blessed be He distances them from each other, that they should not come to destroy the world.

65. One who is contentious, even if he is an intellectual (knows how to study Torah), do not honor him.

66. In the place of contention; there is the Satan.

67. One who fulfills (the commandment) to recite the Shma; every morning and night, will not be handed over to his enemies.

68. Through [learning] Torah and performing kindnesses, one's enemies fall before him.

69. Through being pursued, a person becomes fit to be a sacrificial offering before G-d.

70. One should always side to save those being pursued (/attacked).

71. The world would not continue to exist except for the sake of one who shuts his mouth at the time of contention.

72. One who forgets one detail from his learning causes antagonists to rise against him.

73. Through strife, that there is opposition on the Tzaddik, wars are aroused.

74. When [people] speak about a person, the evil inclination has power to strengthen himself over that person, and one must pray for mercy about this.

75. One who has difficulty accepting appeasement is from the feminine world.

76. For contention; go early and stay late in the hall of study and learn Torah. Or if it is impossible to bring those opposing you to judgment [in a Beis Din—Jewish court], pray about them, and the Holy One, Blessed be He, will knock them down, but do not hand them over to a (non-Jewish) official.

77. One who has cause to retaliate against his friend and remains silent about it, the Holy One, Blessed be He, does justice for him.

78. Do not contend with a man who is stronger than you, even though he drives you to do something dishonorable. However, if he has fear of the governor, go with him to an official, and do not do the dishonorable thing.

79. Through evil speech (tale bearing), one loses (falls) in war.

80. One who refrains from speaking slander (tale bearing - lit. evil language) triumphs.

81. One who [was accustomed] to review [Torah] and then separated (ceasing his study of the Torah), through this his enemies will pursue him.

82. When a man's wife bleeds outside of the time of her period, it is certain that some hatred has been aroused against him.

83. When the tzaddik has a conflict with someone and can save himself through monetary means, he should do so, and use his merits (lit. righteousness).

84. In all perpetrators of conflict, there are sparks from the souls of Dusun and Aviram.

85. Conflict between two tzaddikim is for the good of the Jewish People: Know that this is true for also Above, there are two angels who are also in conflict, and there is no one to adjudicate for them except for the Holy One, Blessed be He, Himself.

86. One who hears his degradation and remains silent through this great evils that were fit to come upon him are nullified.

87. The Holy One, Blessed be He, always assumes a position in favor of the majority. However, if the majority is [comprised of ] evildoers, He does not favor them.

88. One must not give the benefit of the doubt (interpret his actions in a favorable manner) to an inticer (someone who tries to bring people to foreign beliefs).

89. When there is a conflict between two people, and each one has people taking his side; when from Above, death is decreed upon one of the disputants, G-d forbid, it first affects the [supporter] with the least stature, and not with the person who is the main contenders.

90. Sometimes it is decreed on a man that his seed will be wiped out. However, when he is delivered into his enemies' hands, the decree of the destruction of his seed is annulled.

91. One who distances a man from the service of the Blessed G-d causes that man to have descendants who will afflict the descendants of the one who distanced him.

92. One who has the ability to protest [the deeds of] the wicked and does not, it is as if he himself did the wrong.

93. One who sustains a conflict transgresses a negative commandment (tn: not to be like Korach and his group) and it befits him to become a leper.

94. One who challenges the Kingship of the House of David is fit to be bitten by a snake.

95. Through being involved in studying Torah, one can withstand the vicissitudes of war.

96. One must strengthen oneself against those who hate him, and wage war upon them cunningly, and [know that] the Holy One, Blessed be He, will do what is right in His Eyes.

97. In situations of conflict, it is propitious to say the passages, "And Asa called to G-d …” until “mortal." (Chronicles II, 14:10).

98. One who does not put his trust in G-d, through this he is confronted with war and conflict.

99. Through the study of Torah, fear falls upon the nations that they do not wage war against Israel.

100. In situations of conflict, say, "And he (king Yehoshafat) said, G-d of our forefathers,…” until “For our eyes are turned to You." What was said by Yehoshafat by Yehoshafat (Chronicles II, 20: 6-12).

101. In a time of war, one must prepare the weapons of war appropriately, and the Holy One, Blessed be He, will do according to His Will, but do not rely on miracles.

102. One who establishes a fixed place for his prayer, his enemies fall beneath him.

103. One should not pray for the death of any man, even an apostate. For it is better to kill them by mortal means, rather than by the Hand of Heaven.

104. Do not provoke an evildoer, all the more so (don't start up with) one whose hour of fortune is at hand (lit. the hour is laughing for him).

105. It is permissible to not admit the truth, and (even) deny it, in order that people not be led astray after [an evildoer].

106. Due to baseless hatred, a person will have great conflict in his house.

107. [Blows from] a sword and great plundering come through the sin of not making an immediate edict, distorting, and ruining judgment, and for neglect of Torah [study].

108. A woman at the end of her menstrual period who passes between two men causes strife between them.

109. A pursued (/attacked) person who placates the pursuer, through this harsh judgment is aroused upon the pursuer.

110. One who gives sustenance to his enemy causes a decree of burning on the enemy.


ודוי דברים CONFESSION:


1. Through confession, this causes The Holy Blessed One to bring teachers of children who teach faithfully.

2. This also elicits fixing of the roads from obstacles.

3. Through confession, one merits to leadership (- to be elevated).

4. One who does not confess his sins, [fallen] fear comes upon him.

Clothing - BOOK TWO


1. Through [telling] stories of Tzaddikim, the light of Mashiach is drawn into the world, much darkness and troubles are dispelled from the world, and one also merits having attractive clothing.

2. One who is accustomed to cursing, through this he will not have clothes for Shabbat.

3. One who always beautifies his legs with fine garments, for example, wearing ostentatious shoes or pants, through this he comes to deceive others.

4. One who is negligent (disrespectful) in the commandment of tzitzit does not merit burial.

5. One who makes clothing for his friend can change his friend's will in any way he wants, both materially and spiritually.

6. When a man dresses in his father’s clothes, through this it is easy for him to practice his father’s traits.

7. “Come eat my food and drink…” Mishlei 9:5 -- the initials of the Hebrew words in this verse spell Lulav (palm branch). "…from the wine…" (adding four for the letters of the word) has the same gematria (numerical value)) as the initials of Etrog, Hadas, Arava (citron, myrtle, willow). [The word] “Masachti—I mixed…” – is an aspect of Sukkot (in that the words share the same root letters). [Thus we derive that] through the mitzvah of taking the Four Species and through [dwelling in] the Sukkah, a man merits to have food, drink and clothing, and also that his soul will receive life-force. Through the sukkah one merits to have clothing, an aspect of "When I put clouds as his garment." (Iyov 38:9) Through the willow one merits beverage, through the myrtle one merits to vitalize the soul, and through the lulav and the etrog one merits eating, for they have fruits, which are types of food.

Clothing - BOOK ONE

בגדים CLOTHES:


1. A persons clothes hint at his character traits.

2. One who goes barefoot, it is certain that he sins.

3. As a result of brazenness, one is punished through his clothes, also due to [false] oaths.

4. One who is not careful not to look at his father's nakedness, in the end his children will go naked and barefoot.

5. One who eats before the prayer is punished through his clothes.

6. Due to arrogance, one is punished through his clothes.

7. One who seduces his friend away from the right path to the wrong one, will consequently not have with what to clothe himself.

8. One who is a guarantor for a non-Jews is punished through his clothing.

9. In the future, the Holy One Blessed be He will be avenged from those who dressed in the clothing of non-Jews.

10. One who goes in torn clothing due to poverty, his rectification is (through) weeping before the Blessed L-rd.

11. All who treat clothes with disrespect will end up not benefiting from them.

12. One who makes a garment for a poor person will be saved from humiliations.

13. One who is wary not to embarrass any man merits garments.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Law by the Codifiers



1. By learning the codes of Jewish law until one is able to render halachic decisions, one causes numerous barren women to conceive.

2. Through studying the Shulchan Aruch (the primary book of Jewish law), one comes to fear [of Heaven].

3. Learning Codes of Law annuls idolatrous thoughts.

4. When a wicked person rises in power, it becomes difficult to derive a new theory in the Codes. Also, the words of judges are not heard (acceptable) in the ears of the litigants.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Children - BOOK TWO


1. One who suffers in the raising of his children (this includes having children), should read the Biblical passages describing the Creation, everyday. Also, through this reading, one is saved from the accusations of being a thief.

2. A segulah for having children is humbling oneself.
3. Planting a vineyard is damaging to the growth of fetuses.

4. Endeavoring to free captives is a segulah for giving birth.

5. The saying of the ma'amadot is helpful for [having] children.

6. A woman whose children die from the disease called samkah—that is, zedushin— should wash them in oil, and then burn this oil afterwards while performing a ritual immersion.

7. One against whom many arise to challenge him on account of his faith; and he stands up against them and makes well-received counter-claims, through this he will merit having many children, and the world will be filled with his seed.
8. The letter hey (fifth letter of the Hebrew alphabet) made out of silver, is a segulah for propagation.

9. Sometimes the construction of the house prevents a woman from birthing, as when the beams are not placed according to their order from the Six Days of Creation. In such a case, the house is as if it were destroyed, even though it is standing. This destruction comes and harms the woman, and she does not give birth.

10. One must look for a mohel who is righteous and G-d fearing. For when the mohel is not fitting, it can happen that the child, [when he is grown,] will not be able to have children (lit. cause birth). Also, when the mohel is not fitting, the child can, G-d forbid, come to suffer from "falling disease" (often translated as epilepsy).

11. [A deceased person] who has a son involved in studying the Torah, is as if he never died.

12. The milk of a righteous woman is good for a child’s (lit. baby’s) fear of Heaven, and also gives him dominion over this world.

13. Death of one's children, G-d forbid, comes through causing one's friend to fall away from his faith.

14. When there is peace in a country's government, the Jews give birth to master teachers.

15. One who guards himself in, as well as the season and time of, sexual relations, that they are balanced—that is to say, that neither he nor the season is too hot or too cold—through this, the children born to him will be great sages.

16. One who has control over his desires causes that his children will not be drawn to evil ways, that his money is blessed, and that he will not be put to a test.

17. Even a woman who is righteous, but not of respected lineage, will have unworthy children.
18. In a time of abundant grain in the world, it is a sign that males will be born. In a time of abundant wine, it is a sign for the birth of females.

19. One who does not have a son should accustom himself to bring gifts to Torah scholars, and say the section of Torah verses about the first-fruit offering. Also, he should increase his study of Talmud, and minimize his study of Aggadah, for studying Aggadah is a segulah for having girls.

20. By learning the codes of Jewish law until one is able to render halachic decisions, one causes a number of barren women to conceive.
21. Sometimes, through being held in prison, one is saved from being barren of children.

22. Through charity one merits to have children.

23. A segulah for a woman who is having difficulty giving birth is to hang the keys to the cemetery from her neck. This is also a segulah for becoming pregnant.

24. Children die, G-d forbid, by seeing a seminal emission.

25. There are trees which, when their wood is used to make one's bed, hinder birth and raising children. Conversely, there are trees which promote birth and raising children.

26. One who has had children die at a young age should have his [living] child’s mother make a coat that he should wear always, until he matures.

27. When the Jews are fruitful and multiply, the non-Jewish nations make new harsh decrees upon us.

28. Self-mortification is helpful for giving birth.

29. Thorns are fortuitous for giving birth.

30. Someone who is born circumcised, it is certain that his imagination is good and pleasant.